Leo’s Love and Legacy, Inc proudly presents the
Leo’s Lions and Warriors Scholarship
General Instructions:
Click the link above to download the application.
- This scholarship is for pediatric cancer survivors and their siblings to attend college through a diploma, certification, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in the field of study they choose. These can include trade school, state university, private university or community colleges.
- Applicants must currently reside in Arizona and have received (or their siblings received) cancer treatments in Arizona. Plans to attend a school outside of Arizona are accepted.
- Please verify all questions are completed and accurate. Letters of recommendation will also be required and they must be completed within 1 year prior to application submittal and included in submission. Contact information for recommendation letters will be required.
- Answers will need to be legible and essay questions need to be typed.
Essay questions may be attached separately if needed. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
- Scholarships are awarded in the amounts of $500, $1000, and $1500 or more depending on amount of applicants and quality of submissions. Scholarships will be made out to the attending school on behalf of the student for their tuition costs.
- Applications will be accepted April 1st through 7/15/24 this year and award notifications will occur by 8/1/24.
- Include 2 letters of recommendation from a non-related mentor/colleague at least 18 years or older with their name and email attached for verification purposes along with your submission.
Email completed applications to: leosloveandlegacy@gmail.com by deadline listed above.
If you don't receive an email back please send a separate email to make sure we got your application!
Good Luck!